Applied NAPL Science Review Oil-Particle Aggregates and In Situ Deposited NAPL Sediments Editor: Lisa Reyenga, PE ANSR Scientific Advisory Board J. Michael Hawthorne, PG, Board Chairman, GEI Consultants, Inc. Andrew J. Kirkman, PE, BP Corporation North America Robert Frank, RG, Jacobs Paul Cho, PG, CA Regional Water Quality Control Board-LA Randy St. Germain, Dakota Technologies, Inc. Dr. Terrence Johnson, USEPA Brent Stafford, Shell Oil Co. Douglas Blue, Ph.D., Imperial Oil Environmental & Property Solutions Natasha Sihota, Ph.D., Chevron Kyle Waldron, Marathon Petroleum Danny D. Reible, Professor at Texas Tech University Applied NAPL Science Review (ANSR) is a scientific ejournal that provides insight into the science behind the characterization and remediation of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) using plain English. We welcome feedback, suggestions for future topics, questions, and recommended links to NAPL resources. All submittals should be sent to the editor. DISCLAIMER:...

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